Woodlore Track


Made of solid woodlore wood, the Woodlore Shutters are stable, robust, and stronger than any other wood shutters. Woodlore Shutters are also free from the naturally occurring imperfections of wood, such as sagging or warping and have a much higher resistance to heat damage.

Offering strength, durability, and simplicity, the Woodlore Shutters are a minimal and low-maintenance choice that can improve your interior and give you peace of mind. Coated with exclusive patented medical-grade safe polypropylene with UV inhibitors, these shutters protect you and your home from the sun’s harmful UV rays. Moreover, the Woodlore Shutters are also well-equipped to resist peeling, chipping, cracking, and yellowing.

Tailored with utmost care and precision, these shutters are also pretty big on safety. They are VOC-safe and CARB compliant for off-gassing since they are constructed from an eco-friendly Engineered Wood Composite (EWC) core.

Woodlore Track

Window Type

Window Type
For bay windows that are 170° or above, a 1" T-Post with 3/8" light block will be used as a bay post. Exception: hang strip (behind panel)


Matching Criteria

Enter a WO# to match a previous WO$ color, rail sizes and Louver counts. Note: Matching is subject to product specification limitations

Track Type

Track Type
Bifold Position



Louvers Type


Triple Track
Mount Type
No. of Sides
Boxout Size
Header and side frames come in separate pieces for custom sizes.
Boxout Size
Boxout Width

Shutter Size



Total Panels
Total Panels
Total Panels
Configuration Standard
Combi-Joined Center Panels

Tilt Type

Tilt Type
Bottom Guide

Divider Rail

Divider Rail
Divider Rail Location

More Options

Split Tilt

Split Tilt
* Specify:

Note: This shutter currently has a divider rail. Please check that both a divider rail and split tilt are wanted, which would result in multiple split sections.

Optional Poles

Note: Optional Poles quantity reflects total quantity provided for this line item.

PerfectTilt® Motorized Shutter

PerfectTilt® Motorized Shutter
Note: If you are unable to select PerfectTilt, please be sure to double-check the PerfectTilt spec limitations.
Motor and Remote Pairing:

Note: All quantities for remote controls, hubs, repeaters, micro USB cables, and color rings reflect the total quantity provided for this line item.

Note: It is recommended one Hub be installed on each floor/level.
Note: One cable is automatically included for every 3 PerfectTilt shutters ordered.

Side Strips

Note: Quarter Round Scribe Trim will be made in Wood.

Special Instructions

Total Amount

SKU: N/A Category:

Features & Benefits

From its quality, durable construction and award-winning innovations, it’s easy to see why so many have made Woodlore® their shutter of choice.

C-safe and CARB compliant for off-gassing.



Brown Gray


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